Friday, February 23, 2007

Swing By
For A Look At
Our Playground Plans!

Tuesday, March 6
7:00 p.m.
Potter Auditorium

For weeks our kids have been having fun brainstorming for a new playground. On March 6th, they’ll meet with the architect from Leathers and Associates and he’ll add his expertise to these inspiring ideas and draw up plans for our truly one-of-a-kind park. In the evening, we’ll display our children’s imaginative work along with these preliminary plans and give everyone a chance to offer input on our playground needs.

Come and join all of Chatfield as we gather for the first look at our new City Park. Don’t miss out on this unique community event -- it’s sure to be fun for all ages!

For more information, regular project updates, or volunteer opportunities, please contact:
Sue Greiner -- phone: 867-0119 email:
Shannon Glenzinski – phone: 867-3439 email:
Or visit our blog at

Thank you to our generous Design Day Sponsor
* The Chatfield Fire Department *

Friday, February 2, 2007

New Play Equipment for City Park!

Chatfield’s City Park on Main Street is a wonderful town gathering space with lots of green space, historic architecture and trees and a beautiful bandshell. The playground equipment, though, is severely outdated and mostly unsafe for our children. A group of concerned citizens has formed Park Partners to address this need – and you can help!
Park Partners wants to install safe, new equipment that will roughly cover the area taken up by the existing equipment – while saving as many trees and as much green space as possible. The park will have two areas – a fenced area for kids up to age five and a separate area for kids age five and older. It will cost approximately $100,000 to build this new park with a target completion date of Spring 2008. The City of Chatfield backs this project 100% and will assist in preparing the site and maintaining the equipment after it’s built.
For the overall design, they’ve decided to work with Leathers and Associates, a company that’s helped over 1600 communities build new parks – including Soldier’s Field in Rochester. Leathers uses a unique approach to creating a new park – first they research our history, then meet with schoolchildren for more ideas and then gather with the entire town for input and inspiration. Once a design is chosen, it will be up to our community to raise the funds and actually build the structure. Leathers assists every step of the way but by providing volunteer labor we’ll save nearly two-thirds the cost of traditional park systems.
Right now the project is just starting up and Park Partners is in need of volunteers and donations. All donations are tax-deductible and the Chosen Valley Community Foundation has agreed to handle all the funds. The kick-off Design Day is being planned right now for March 6, 2007 look for information in the Chatfield News or for a flyer coming home from school.
To find more details, pictures of similar projects, volunteer opportunities or donation options, visit the Park Partners blog site at Or call Sue Greiner at 507-867-0119 or email her at Also contact Shannon Glensinski at 867-3439
To see similar projects by Leathers and Associates, visit their website at
To see the Soldier’s Field Park and its volunteer building process, visit
To make a tax-deductible donation, send a check to:
Chosen Valley Community Foundation
Attn: Park Partners
P.O. Box 552
Chatfield, MN 55923